Jose Da Silva and the Da Silva method

Jose Da Silva and the Da Silva method. Desire,expectation, realisation

Desire, expectation, realisation

The Da Silva Method, a popular mind-control program designed to help individuals harness the power of their mind for various improvements in life, including stress management, creativity enhancement, and personal development, is actually attributed to José Silva. He was an American parapsychologist and author of Mexican descent, who founded the Silva Mind Control Method.

Born on August 11, 1914, in Laredo, Texas, Silva’s early life was marked by hardship and the necessity to support his family, which led him to develop a keen interest in psychology and the human mind’s potential. His fascination with the capabilities of the human mind began in the 1940s, leading to decades of research and experimentation.

Silva’s method is grounded in the belief that by training the mind to reach and function at certain levels of consciousness (specifically, the alpha and theta brainwave states), individuals can improve their mental and physical conditions. The Silva Method encompasses a variety of techniques, including visualization, meditation, and positive thinking, aiming to empower people to increase their IQ, develop psychic abilities, and manifest personal goals.

The Silva Method gained significant popularity in the 1960s and 1970s, as Silva began offering seminars and workshops to teach his techniques. It has since become a globally recognized program, with millions of participants and instructors worldwide, although it has also faced skepticism and critique from the scientific community.

José Silva passed away on February 7, 1999, but his legacy lives on through the continued operation of Silva International, the organization that oversees the Silva Method training programs. His work has contributed to the broader field of mind-body healing and the study of human potential, inspiring many in the realms of personal development and holistic health.

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What is specific for the da silva method

The Silva Method, founded by José Silva, is distinguished by its unique approach to enhancing personal growth, well-being, and the expansion of mental capacities through a series of exercises and techniques designed to tap into the power of the mind. Here are some specific features that set the Silva Method apart:

1. Alpha and Theta Level Training

One of the core principles of the Silva Method is the training to enter and utilize the alpha and theta levels of brain wave activity. These states are associated with deep relaxation, meditation, and heightened creativity. The method teaches individuals to consciously access these states, which are believed to enable more effective problem-solving, learning, and creativity.

2. Visualization and Imagination

The Silva Method places a strong emphasis on visualization and imagination as tools for personal and professional development. By teaching individuals to visualize their goals and the outcomes they desire, the method aims to enhance the ability to manifest these goals into reality.

3. Mental Housecleaning

This aspect of the Silva Method involves identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns. Practitioners are taught to replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations and beliefs, thereby improving their overall mindset and approach to challenges.

4. Intuition Development

Another key component of the Silva Method is the development of intuition. The exercises aim to enhance the individual’s ability to tap into their intuition for making better decisions, solving problems, and gaining insights that are not readily apparent through logical thinking alone.

5. Healing Techniques

The Silva Method includes techniques aimed at promoting physical and emotional healing. These techniques involve using the mind to visualize the healing process and to influence the well-being of oneself and others. While not intended to replace traditional medical treatment, these practices are offered as complementary approaches to support health and recovery.

6. Dynamic Meditation

Unlike traditional meditation practices that may focus solely on mindfulness or concentration, the Silva Method employs a form of dynamic meditation. This involves actively using one’s mental faculties to work on specific problems, projects, or goals while in a meditative state.

7. Global Reach and Community

The Silva Method has grown into a worldwide movement since its inception, with millions of practitioners and certified instructors across the globe. The method’s teachings are disseminated through workshops, seminars, books, and online courses, fostering a large community of individuals dedicated to personal and collective improvement.

Overall, the Silva Method is characterized by its comprehensive approach to harnessing the potential of the mind for personal development, healing, and achieving one’s goals. It’s a blend of meditation, positive psychology, and practical exercises designed to empower individuals to lead more fulfilled and successful lives.


Desire – expectation – realisation 

In the context of the Silva Method, the sequence of desire, expectation, and realization can be understood as a fundamental process that underpins the method’s approach to achieving personal goals, self-improvement, and the manifestation of one’s aspirations. Here’s how each component fits into the framework:


Desire represents the initial stage where an individual identifies a goal or a change they wish to bring about in their life. This could range from achieving a professional milestone, improving health, enhancing mental abilities, or any other personal ambition. In the Silva Method, recognizing and clearly defining one’s desire is crucial as it sets the direction for the mental and visualization exercises to follow. It is the starting point that triggers the motivation to engage with the method’s practices.


Expectation is the mental and emotional state where the individual begins to believe in the possibility of achieving their desire. In the Silva Method, this involves cultivating a strong sense of confidence and positive anticipation regarding the outcome. Through various techniques, such as affirmations and visualization, practitioners are taught to foster an expectant mindset. This expectation is not passive; instead, it involves actively preparing the mind to receive and realize the desired outcomes. It’s about aligning one’s subconscious beliefs and attitudes with one’s goals.


Realization is the manifestation of the initial desire into tangible outcomes. In the Silva Method framework, realization is achieved through the continued practice of the method’s techniques, such as entering the alpha and theta levels of consciousness, employing creative visualization, and maintaining a positive mental attitude. The process from desire to realization involves a transformation of thought patterns, beliefs, and behaviors to align with the desired goal. Realization is seen as the natural outcome of correctly and persistently applying the Silva Method’s principles.

This sequence reflects the method’s holistic approach to personal development, emphasizing the power of the mind in achieving personal goals and improving one’s life. By moving from desire, through a state of positive expectation, and towards the realization of goals, the Silva Method aims to demonstrate how individuals can actively influence their outcomes through mental training.

Jose Da Silva and the Da Silva method. Desire,expectation, realisation
Jose Da Silva and the Da Silva method. Desire,expectation, realisation

The illustration represents the conceptual journey from desire, through expectation, to realization, in the context of personal growth and achieving goals. It visually depicts the three stages in a seamless and flowing manner, conveying positivity, growth, and the transformative power of the mind.

Enjoy your journey of discovery!

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